Despina Zapanti's profile

Different Art Class Projects

Warning, art project that occurred back in year 1 so you will read descriptions about my art projects that are from exactly the same date I posted them elsewhere.
6/3/2020: First watercolour painting finished.

It's recent! And obviously the first I do after many years.

I know it's kinda dirt on the background but I still hope you like it.

6/3/2020: My second watercolour art I recently did in the art classes of my college.
I hope you like it tho.

24/06/2020: Something recent I wanted to post but I didn't.
It was from my pre-last art lessons where we had to make a storyboard from a song of our choice so I chose to do the "I'm sorry" song of #UTAU but specifically in the female version of it and drew myself for the sake of the whole art project. I'm sorry if the translation of the lyrics is wrong anyway.
I didn't colour it because I was tired enough to do so.
3/06/2020: After some time, I just made a different painting.
I personally don't like how my colours work on this paper but anyway. I drew two pots from the perspective I was seeing them the day I drew them in the art class lesson.
24/06/2020: So basically, this is the last art project I did for the art class for this year.
This time, we had to chose a favourite fairy tale and change the end of it. I chose tangled. And the change I did for it was to instead put Gothel into jail for what she did to Rapunzel and Rapunzel get to marry Eugene in her long blond hair that she would use to heal injured and sick people of Corona. For the old mother Gothel, I tried to draw her with the help of a fan art I used as a reference and for the hair, I did them as like they look like in the series of Tangled. For Eugene and Rapunzel, I tried to draw them as like I saw them on an edit where Rapunzel has long hair in her wedding dress.

This is a bit of an old art which remained unfinished but I finished it on the date of 29/05/2021. Felt like posting it because even though it has some little mistakes on it, I feel proud of having fixed and "saved" it yet I don't have anything completely new to post for the moment. It was meant to be for an art class lessons project back in year 1 of college courses. The sketch itself was originally rough with pencil and contained only four female characters. But since it didn't feel right to try to fit four characters in this kind of paper size, I fixed the sketch with the use of a pen and removed the fourth character to fit only the three of them in attempt to make the sketch better. The poem I'm writing on it is in greek. It basically means that "The women grab their babies and lift them up like banners
the wind blows their hair
the wind blows and unfolds their hair like flags
we want to sow
we want to weave
we want to give birth

Credit the characters (yes, and the babies) to LorettaRosy63 (aka me). Excuse me that it's sonic themed but I felt like doing so to merge it with the poem I've got.

Maybe, it's not the best attempt I had ever done but I finished it on the date of 29/05/2021 because it was another unfinished piece before since I didn't like the idea of leaving it unfinished. So I continued painting it with pencil. It was meant for an old art class project back in year 1.

I hope you like it anyway and excuse me that I haven't created something completely new~

Just old art class studies from year 1. Hope you like it. I don't have anything new to upload so have this art of mine. I unfortunately cannot recall the date I drew this.

Thank you for seeing all of these as well.
Different Art Class Projects


Different Art Class Projects
